Our Staff

Robin Blakeman 

Executive Director, robin@eewv.org


Robin is a graduate of both Marshall University and the Louisville Theological Seminary. Robin worked as a Community Organizer and Project Coordinator with the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition from 2008 to 2021, which had a focus on multiple environmental issues including West Virginia and Ohio River Valley water quality. At EEWV, Robin is involved in grant writing, networking state-wide with many diverse people, and building alliances with municipal and state officials, and with other allied group leaders – in this state and region. Robin actively engages citizens in writing comments on pertinent issues - such as Public Service Commission electric utility rate cases - via social media campaigns, letter writing and/or in person testimony at public hearings. 

Emmett Pepper 

Legal and Policy Director, emmett@eewv.org


Emmett graduated with a degree in Political Science from Virginia Tech. He worked in the Northeast on energy and environmental policy for Citizens Campaign for the Environment from 2002-2009, before attending law school at the American University Washington College of Law, where he specialized in energy and environmental law. Upon graduation, Emmett returned to his hometown of Charleston, where he clerked for the WV Supreme Court of Appeals as a writ clerk.

Bobby Given

Energy Efficiency Technician and Outreach Coordinator, bobby@eewv.org


Bobby has an extensive background in various industrial positions, including working for Mountain CAP of West Virginia. There, he was a Weatherization Crew Supervisor, a Certified Energy Conservation Client Educator and a Certified State Energy Conservation Counselor. Bobby is a West Virginia native and values his heritage here; he has also lived and worked in many different parts of the country, including Alaska. Bobby would be glad to talk to you about our Municipal Cohort Benchmarking program and general energy efficiency information.

Nicole Mayberry

Promotional Consultant, nicole@eewv.org


Nicole graduated with Honors from West Virginia State University. She has always lived in Putnam County but was raised on an 80-acre goat farm in rural Putnam. Nicole has worked for Kanawha County Child Protective Services, the State of WV Disability Determination Services, and most recently worked as Urban Agriculture Outreach Coordinator with a Kanawha County conservation agency. Nicole serves as an advisory member to the City of Hurricane Development Authority. She also works closely with Solar United Neighbors and Solar Holler of WV, for whom she and her husband Mike provide testimonials and commercials.